Friday, January 13, 2006


she smiles she sets the room alight

it doesn't matter where i post this that's not important the important thing is to get in write. write it up. write it down. write around. i got a little girl named daw she is little little little she is four feet eight inches tall and she weighs eighty-seven pounds. she's a hot little mama she's a little scorpio she comes to see me we lie in swirling clouds of dreams. i screwed that sentence up but there is no going back there is only forward there is building there is new. there is the new reality different from the one we would have created every moment is free will every thing is predestined. she's a hot little mama she's a little scorpio. my dick is as big as she is but somehow it all gets in. when i hold her i fuck her and hold her her entire ass fits in my hands both hands my fingers touch and my thumbs wrap around her front. she it tiny. somehow my dick goes all the way in. she comes and she comes she comes. i fuck her from behind and i am not kidding her body is seven dick-widths wide. imagine seven dick-widths. seven lanes. you know how they draw the face it's five eyes wide? they draw vertical lines demarcating delineating the widths. do that with her ass. back. legs. my dick is in the middle. three widths on either side.

her back has these tiny black hairs she's a little scorpio with tiny black hairs on her exoskeleton. i caress them with my lips i brush the tips the hairs my lips i maintain contact with the electromagnetic field and brush the tips. her little teeth an overbite the skin stretched tight the little tiny corners of her mouth. she smiles she sets the room alight. she sets. the room. alight. she flies away.
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