Saturday, August 07, 2004


just tryin to hold it together

mango drink cookies paper pen here we go here we go again it's a ritual a magic spell it starts the magic can't you see it's magic? who am i in love with today you gotta push through that high. men push through that hymen. i don't know how to write on this paper it's got lines but they're alternating wide-spaced and narrow spaced because it's for chinese characters. i'm fine i'll get used to it. to accurately represent your reality it's important to include bad writing among the good. is this bad? what are you talking about this is gold! you fucking blind pig pg pig without an i. eye---i'm rubbing it my mama told me not to. maybe i'll see donna tomorrow i thought the phone rang but it was the door bell it's that creepy chicken guy he climbs the stairs shakin bells sellin chicken. don't worry diana i call you diana now i don't call you nadia anymore i never did. there go the bells. i live on the fifth floor.

i'm sposed to plan my lessons for tomorrow for next week. i'm supposed to plan a week ahead what 6 things i'm gonna teach 3- and 4-year-olds over the course of a week. an entire week and i'm supposed to teach them 6 things and i'm supposed to plan it. they learn a million things all the time what the fuck when you plan it you can't do that because the key what you gotta do is teach them what they're interested in. how do you know what they're interested in they don't even know what they're interested in one week try one second. you gotta go with the flow i'm gonna eat a cookie.

healthy food butter cookies favourites power selection europe cookies 100% new pure nature.

i'm so superior. fuck you. these cookies are terrible. so is this mango drink. you just can't get good processed sugar in the provinces. i wish i had a bathtub. i wish i had a girl. if i did i would ball her. i wish i had something better to write than stupid puns that nobody gets.

i have eaten the penultimate cookie. i teach english and i write english. i'm an english man. but i'm not an englishman. whoa-oh! i'm an alien i'm an illegal alien i'm an english man in guangzhou.

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